Friday 11 January 2008

The Minister's Cat 2008

So it was New Year's Day and the moment arrived. We decided to play the Minister's Cat. I do enjoy it. My brother and I try to out do each other with exceptionally long and obscure words.

As the circle of people took a turn, it came to the aged uncle's turn, and he did not disappoint. He stared off into the distance and held his hands clasped over his yellow woollen v-neck sweater. Silence fell and we stared at him. Nothing. Then a faint "Emmm, oh, ah, umm, I cannae think of anything". He looked around the group with his slight grin, and appeared to be making no effort at all to think of any word.

Eventually he came up with something and we moved on.

Each time it came round to him, we got the same thing. People were prompting him with answers he could use, and he started coming up with answers that other people had already given and his response to that was "I thought I'd heard that before".

He did this so often that almost became a catchphrase. It was verging on the ridiculous, as people gave him the answers he was either refusing to use them or he didn't realise that someone was giving him an easy way out.

And as for the 'F' word, I had successfully persuaded my son that he could do well in the game if he prepared a list of words beforehand. So he never said 'fuck' which I was glad of.

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