Wednesday 5 September 2007

Beef Jerky 2

Why does this happen to me?

Today at 5pm I was walking out of my office when I passed a car parked outside a coffee shop at the junction of St Vincent Street and Renfield Street. It was a silver saloon. There was a man sitting in the driver's seat looking around. He was balding and wearing glasses.

As I passed the door I looked in and saw he had a black fleece draped right over his lap.

It was bumping up and down.

Oh yes.....he was. I don't need to say it do I?  Well, just to be clear. He was having a wank in a car parked on a city centre street at rush hour.

I couldn't believe it. I walked on, stopped and looked round, then walked on again. at the next junction my curiosity took over and I decided I had to make sure I had seen what I thought I had. I walked back, past the car and definitely saw it again. I crossed over the road directly in front of him and looked over. He saw me looking. I just walked off. I'd seen enough.

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