Sunday, 29 July 2007

Pensioners....Fight, Fight, Fight !!

I was in Sainsburys in Partick yesterday getting a lottery ticket, and the queue only had five people in front of me. It still took over twenty minutes for me to get to the front. The guy was a bit inexperienced in the working of the machine but the machine was playing up as well.

The man in front of me was about 60 years old and impeccably dressed. He had a load of tickets and the machine wasn’t reading them so the guy behind the desk had to go over each ticket and score through every single number again. It was going slow and I was getting a bit pissed off, but the old woman behind me was a bit more pissed off. She had on one of those full length see through rain coats, showing off her cheap two piece tweed/polyester number.

“Aw for chrissakes, this is taking pure ages, can they no get a boy who knows whit he’s daein?  It‘s nearly hawf seven, the lottery will be done in a few minutes, gonnae hurry up?”

I thought she was being a bit hard on the guy behind the counter, but I didn’t tell her this of course. I checked. It was only 7.20pm. Ten minutes to go.

“Aw for chrissakes, Jesus!  Could you no huv come doon here earlier to get yer lottery?"

I realised then that she wasn’t spouting off at the boy but at the old guy in front of me. It was after this comment, he exploded.

"Well, it’s not my fault the machine’s not working and the boy can’t do his job, I’ve been waiting twenty minutes here too!!” He almost shouted pointing his finger at her.

I was in between them thinking 'this is fucking brilliant, I hope they start fighting.' Then the old guy started going off on one at the boy.

“What are you doing? I hope you’re not putting those through twice. This is taking ages.”
And the old dear behind me started again on the old guy.

“You should huv come doon earlier wi’ all them tickets you’ve got.”

I felt like turning to her and explaining in a loud voice that maybe it would have been a fucking good idea if she had come down earlier as well.  Instead, I held my tongue.

I just wish it had escalated to a full on fight between the two pensioners. I would have cheered them on.

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