Thursday 21 February 2008

Charity Volunteers In The Street

Is it a pre-requisite for doing this volunteer work that they have a hairstyle that no self respecting person would have? I suppose it's all part of being a student and wanting to express themselves. Gits.

There is various aspects of their “job” that annoys me. The arm waving as if to say “Look at me, I’m a bit crazy and carefree, woo hoo, don’t you want to stop and discuss something with me?” No.

There are some that literally dance around you as you walk past. Some quietly ask you if you want to stop. Some catch your eye from a distance and those are the real buggers as it makes it more difficult to pretend to ignore them and look somewhere else.

I've never stopped to talk to one, I just can't be bothered, maybe I should before I pass judgement on these people who are doing something for charidee. Or I could just tell them to “Fuck off”. I’d like to do that.

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