Saturday, 30 June 2007

"Reply To All".....probably best not to..

The “Reply To All” button has been the basis of many a comedy round-robin email. I’ve seen a few recently which I’ll detail in a few days. The first one I saw evidence of…sorry the second one. I must pay tribute to Claire Swire…143,000 hits if you Google her. That one happened in 2000. I was sent a copy as it went round the UK. Beautiful.

In fact get a swatch of this link.
It’s an amazing explanation of how some of us speak.

In 2005, in a normal insurance office in Glasgow, a female manager emailed the team managers to let them know she would be round to collect the collections for “dress down Friday” (a tedious tradition).

Instead of hitting “reply”, the offending manager managed not just to reply to the few team managers who received it, but the company standard distribution lists which covered a couple of hundred people.

The original email explained how the recipient would be donating the money to their Minister to buy supplies for a project in South America.

I haven’t even retyped this, it’s copied and pasted from the original email….....

”Subject: RE: Dress Down Money…………….I need to know that mine is going to latino kiddies in nicaragua and not those wee bastards in Ecuador”. End quote.

Need I say more.

That email was sent round further on distribution lists, moving faster than a privy door when the plague’s in town.

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